Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April 13, 2011

Yesterday, I saw a woman who walked like she owned the world, her smile said she was willing to share with those around her. I'd love to have that sort of confidence, generosity and grace. Maybe one day.

Today? Today is the 11th anniversary of my freedom from a relationship that kept me in the dungeons of my mind for a very long time. Yes, my first marriage. We were legally married for eighteen years, but only were a couple for six of those. For reasons that sounded really soap-opera-ish when I typed them out, I didn't file for divorce out of a fear that, looking back, was probably only half true, the other half being in my mind alone.

Why do I need to remember this date? Because it's the day I felt truly grown up. No parents, no husband. Just me and the kids.

Then, in July of the same year, I got remarried. Different guy, different life. I'd dated this particular gentleman on and off for ten years. It took us both that long to fix ourselves, I believe. Anyway he doesn't mind that I'm a grown up with my own mind and ideas. So, I'm all for keeping him around a bit longer.

Why am I sticking personal stuff up here today? Because, heck, I don't know. Just wanted to put it somewhere.

Plus, he's in the next novel. *EvilGrin*

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